

PUC Releases Financial Aid Workshops Dates

By Staff Writer on August 24, 2017

Pacific Union College will host 16 financial aid workshops across Northern California and Hawaii, in a special collaboration with La Sierra University, during October and November. For the first time, the college will also be holding several online workshops throughout the fall. The goal of these workshops is to provide families with the critical information they need to help finance a quality, Christ-centered college education. Topics to be covered include PUC scholarships, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Cal Grant, and other scholarship and aid opportunities. “PUC understands how critical finances can be for families when planning for college, which is why we strive to offer as much assistance and information as possible through our financial aid workshops. I want to personally invite anyone considering PUC to attend a workshop so we can discuss how we can make an Adventist education possible for your family,” says J.R. Rogers, director of recruitment. “Traditionally, we held these events in January and February, but we’ve moved them up to assist families with college financial planning.” Workshop dates are as follows: October 2 - Mountain View AcademyOctober 4 - Lodi AcademyOctober 9 - Redwood Adventist AcademyOctober 10 - El Dorado Adventist SchoolOctober...

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5,000 Drops Towards Ending Water Poverty

By Staff Writer on August 14, 2017

This summer, Pacific Union College is embarking on a creative, yet ambitious educational initiative to raise awareness and funds about the global water crisis and water poverty. The college is partnering with Water for Good and private donors to launch the 5,000 Drops campaign. Private supporters donated an environmentally-friendly Tesla Model-X to serve as the foundation of the project. The electric vehicle has been custom wrapped with 5,000 transparent water drops. Each drop represents a Central African Republic family who lacks safe and reliable water access—water poverty affects an estimated 667 million people around the world. For the next two years, PUC staff and students will be touring the United States in the Tesla, offering presentations on water poverty and accepting donations for “drops of water.” The team’s schedule is already filling with requests for assembly programs, class presentations, and workshops. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the Tesla too. “We want to start conversations about clean water access and sustainability,” says Fabio Maia, PUC’s director of missions and service. “An estimated 667 million people around the world drink contaminated water. We hope to use this project to provide an innovative way for people all over the country to...

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PacificQuest Inspires Middle School Students to Pursue Higher Education

By Larissa Church on July 24, 2017

Pacific Union College held its annual PacificQuest program July 9-14, welcoming 16 high-achieving middle school students to campus. The program is designed to provide gifted students with the opportunity to explore college-level courses and encourage them to pursue a college education. This summer, PacificQuest students discovered the marvels of the awe-inspiring human body through three hands-on classes: Anatomy, taught by Dr. Scott Herbert, and Microbiology, taught by Dr. Aimee Wyrick and Dr. Backil Sung. These classes explored the different parts of the body, what they do, and how they work, along with different body systems, with a strong focus on the immune system. Students also learned about microbes, and how to classify them based on their various characteristics, and practiced using a compound light microscope to describe and identify bacteria. Students received one college credit for completing these classes. “The 2017 group was fantastic! Not only were they able to keep up with the rigor of classes, they were engaged and interacted well with each other and PacificQuest faculty and staff. By the end of the week, new lifelong friendships had formed,” said Dr. Wyrick, who also served as the PacificQuest academic director. “We can’t wait to see many of...

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PUC Announces New Degree Programs in Biotechnology, Global Development Studies, and Religion

By Larissa Church on July 7, 2017

Pacific Union College is excited to announce several new degree programs offered this coming school year: a bachelor’s in biotechnology; a bachelor’s in religion with an emphasis in mission; and lastly, a bachelor’s in global development studies. Building upon the foundation of the college’s well-established undergraduate biology program, the biotechnology major prepares students interested in working professionally in biomedical, pharmaceutical, criminal investigative, agricultural, and other related industries. Students can expect to gain a solid foundation in basic and advanced biochemical techniques, along with developing personal ethics that consider the ramifications of biotechnology-related decisions. The program also fully prepares students who wish to pursue more advanced degrees in biotechnology to obtain more illustrious positions as administrators, primary investigators, and other professional positions. The global development studies major offers a flexible approach to students interested in working in various capacities around the world, with career opportunities in administration, research, fundraising, training, advocacy, and relief work. Students will develop critical thinking and analytical skills regarding complex world issues while considering social, economic, political, and cultural factors, all within a faith perspective. Taken in conjunction with another major, students will fulfill a foreign language requirement and participate in a study abroad program or international...

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PUC at Soquel and Redwood Camp Meetings This Summer

By Staff Writer on June 30, 2017

This summer, representatives from Pacific Union College will travel to Soquel Camp Meeting and Redwood Camp Meeting to fellowship and worship together with college alumni and friends. At Soquel Camp Meeting, which runs from July 13-22, is the Central California Conference’s annual gathering near Santa Cruz, Calif., at the Soquel Conference Center. PUC representatives will be helping in the youth tent as well as answering questions and sharing information about the college at the PUC booth. On Sabbath, July 22, the PUC alumni team will host a luncheon in the Earliteen tent following the church service. Held by the Northern California Conference, Redwood Camp Meeting is located in the beautiful forest of Redcrest, Calif., and runs from July 20-29. As in previous years, PUC representatives will be helping all week in the youth tent as well as staff the PUC booth to talk with alumni, friends, and potential students, with information about the college and special giveaways on hand. On Sabbath, July 29, the college’s alumni team will host a special luncheon immediately following the church service in the Picnic Pavilion. Additionally, the college will be hosting the Ignite Camp Meeting and the annual West Coast Korean Camp Meeting on...

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PUC Commencement Celebrates 392 Graduates

By Larissa Church on June 21, 2017

To the sound of enthusiastic cheers of thousands in attendance, for the 115th time on its campus, Pacific Union College celebrated its annual commencement exercises on Sunday, June 18, with 392 students graduating. For the first time, the ceremony was held at Maxwell Commons, located in the heart of the college’s campus between the PUC Church and Paulin Hall. The new commencement site was named in memory of Dr. Malcolm Maxwell, the 19th president of PUC. He was the first PUC alumnus to serve as president, and he had the longest tenure—18 years—of any president of the college. Maxwell passed away in 2007, but his legacy and the impact he had on PUC continues to live on. He is remembered for his energy, passion, and commitment to higher education, and it is in this spirit Maxwell Commons was named. The college proudly awarded 418 associate, bachelor, and master’s degrees to the 392 graduates. The largest departmental groups were nursing and health sciences (223), business administration (36), communication (31), biology (19), and psychology and social work (18). One hundred and twenty-two students received academic distinctions and honors, with 12 summa cum laude graduates, 27 magna cum laude graduates, and 76 cum...

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Paralympian Scout Bassett Encourages PUC Students to Let God Lead

By Larissa Church on May 31, 2017

Pacific Union College welcomed Paralympian Scout Bassett to speak for the Colloquy Speaker Series on Thursday, May 25. Bassett shared her incredible and inspirational story, from an abandoned infant in Nanjing, China, to competing in last summer’s 2016 Rio Paralympic Games. She believes she owes her success to determination, hard work, and most of all, God’s leading in her life. Bassett lost her right leg in a fire when she was only an infant, and shortly after she was found abandoned on the streets and brought to a government-run orphanage, where she would live for several years in harsh conditions, unable to walk because of her disability. When she was seven, she was adopted by an American family and moved to a small town in Michigan. She was the only minority as well as the only disabled person in the entire county. Bassett struggled in school and desperately searched for a way to fit in. It wasn't until the age 14 when she was introduced to the Challenged Athletes Foundation and was given her first running prosthetic she felt she found where she belonged and could achieve anything she wanted with her life. “It changed the course of my entire...

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Pacific Union College Announces Robert Cushman as 23rd President

By Staff Writer on May 11, 2017

On May 11, 2017, the Pacific Union College Board of Trustees announced Dr. Robert A. Cushman Jr. has been selected as the new president of Pacific Union College. Cushman currently serves as the vice president for academic administration for Walla Walla University in Walla Walla, Wash., and has spent the last 26 years in Adventist education serving in various capacities. He will begin his role as president July 1, in preparation for the new academic year, and will be the college’s twenty-third president in its 135-year history. Cushman received his Ph.D. in geology from the Colorado School of Mines, his master’s degree in geology at Loma Linda University, and his bachelor’s degree in biology at Walla Walla College (now University). After spending five years as a geologist and paleontologist, Cushman felt God’s calling to educate young minds. In the 12 years he taught at Loma Linda University, he served as assistant professor, associate department chair, and the department chair of the department of earth and biological sciences, where he taught graduate level courses, conducted research in Western Colorado and Wyoming, and advised graduate student research. Additionally, under his administrative duties, he oversaw the department’s budget and coordinated the undergraduate geology...

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Kent Davis Honored as PUC’s 2017 Educator of the Year

By Larissa Church on April 28, 2017

Professor of chemistry Dr. Kent Davis was named 2017 Educator of the Year during PUC’s annual colloquy program, Thursday, April 27. Students, faculty, staff, and administration celebrated with Davis as he was recognized with the award for the first time. Davis has been teaching at Pacific Union College since 2002 and currently serves as the chair of the department of chemistry. Each year, the Educator of the Year award is selected by student vote. The recipient’s identity is a highly-kept secret. President Eric Anderson began the service reminding the audience why the special assembly exists in dedication to an outstanding teacher. “It’s a reminder that PUC has been built upon great teaching. You will get a sense of that if you look around our campus and look at the names of our buildings,” he said, noting most buildings at the college are named after great teachers, instead of dignitaries or donors. “It is recognition of good teaching, spiritual leadership, and service to the college.” As is tradition, assistant professor of communication and department chair Michelle Rai, last year’s titleholder, gave a short speech before revealing the 2017 award recipient, encouraging students who aren’t sure of what they will do after...

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