PUC Update 8: Update to Campus

Update Posted: April 02, 2020

Last week, a member of our campus community underwent testing for COVID-19, we can confirm that the test has come back as negative. We have no confirmed cases on our campus at this time, but regardless of any test results, we will not be changing the social distancing guidelines in place across campus or re-opening any offices to the public that are currently closed. 

Napa County health officials are planning for an expected surge of cases in the coming weeks, so we will continue to take their advice seriously and follow their guidance very closely. There are now 18 confirmed cases across the county to date, and the first death of a resident was reported just yesterday. Keeping our campus community safe and healthy is our top priority, and we need your continued cooperation to help make that possible.

The "Big Six" Bay Area counties have already seen an extension of the Shelter-at-Home Order, as well as a tightening of social distancing guidelines that has closed most parks and recreation areas. We would love to keep our forest and other recreation spaces open as long as we're allowed to, which means that we need everyone to please adhere to the new posted guidelines that prohibit use by groups and gatherings. 

As frustrating as it is, the anti-social slogan to keep in mind is "If you don't live with them, don't visit with them."

For those of you who remain on campus to handle essential duties, we want to make sure that your safety is respected as well. Typical office life obviously wasn't designed with social distancing in mind, but please work with your supervisor and your coworkers to stagger your schedules if necessary, rearrange working spaces to provide more space between people if needed, and please take advantage of disinfecting supplies from Custodial Services to wipe down frequently used surfaces regularly. 

We will also be distributing N95 masks for all essential employees and students who remain on campus. These are being provided with the hope and expectation that you will use them when away from campus to better protect yourself and each other. Health Services will be supplying these masks to your Vice President, Director, or Dean to share with you if you require one. 

As you know, these masks are in very, very limited supply, but as a campus with congregant living conditions, we are expected and encouraged to keep a supply — please rest assured that we are not keeping critical supplies from medical providers. Having said that, please take good care of your mask as we would prefer to not have to replace lost or damaged masks. 

Another note for Faculty and Staff who are using offices or classrooms on campus during this time: please be sure to lock the buildings you are accessing behind you as you enter and, of course, when you leave. We want to make sure all buildings remain secure and are only accessed by appropriate PUC employees. And, say it with me ... please use disinfecting wipes on any frequently used surfaces while you're here!

If any member of our campus community is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have concerns that you'd like to discuss, the amazing folks in Health Services are here for you. To limit exposure for the Health Services team and anyone requiring their services, please call them instead of dropping by for a visit. You can reach them on (707) 965-6789, which is accessible 24/7 with an answering service after hours. Dr. Wheeler is also providing Telehealth appointments, which can be arranged directly through his office at (707) 963-3658