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PUC’s Education and Theology Departments See Exciting Student Growth for Fall Quarter
By Sheann Brandon on December 19, 2024
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Pacific Union College’s Theology and Education departments are witnessing a marked increase in enrollment, reflecting a growing student interest in these fields and the college’s commitment to academic excellence and hands-on experience.
This quarter, the Theology department welcomed seven new students, bringing their enrollment to 18 compared to last year’s 11. Similarly, the Education department has experienced a surge, with their total program enrollment reaching nearly 60.
A Trend of Growth
Both departments’ chairs expressed excitement and positivity for the rising enrollment numbers.
Theology Professor and Department Chair Jim Wibberding explained if this trend continues, the Theology department could easily have 25 students in two years.
For the Education department, the number of students in their Intro to Teaching class doubled this quarter alone versus their typical enrollment, with 17 new teacher candidates joining the class. Education Professor and Department Chair Dr. Jean Buller said the spike will continue with even more freshmen enrolled in the upcoming Winter quarter.
Contributing Factors
Buller and Wibberding attribute similar factors to the growth of both the Theology and Education departments: a growing need in the fields, the high caliber of professors and academics at PUC, hands-on experience with major assignments, and the availability of scholarships and financial support.
According to Buller, PUC’s Education department stands out by placing students in fieldwork throughout every academic year versus placing students in teaching assignments right before graduation.
“Our students also learn from professors who all stay current in their professional practice,” Buller explained. “They’re not just talking about the craft; they continue to hone their craft.”
With the current teacher shortage, Buller said students are assured they will receive multiple job offers upon completing their education credentials.
Scholarships also help pave the way for students to enroll in these department programs. Teacher candidates can access scholarships for those above a qualifying GPA every quarter, with additional financial support available to Seventh-day Adventist students looking to teach in denominational schools. For both education and theology students, two students per year can be chosen to receive $20k from the Growing Young Leaders Scholarship, which the conference, the Pacific Union, and PUC sponsor.
The desire of the Pacific Union Conference with the Growing Young Leaders Scholarship for future pastors and teachers is to provide a pathway to employment with mentorship training and job placement opportunities within the Pacific Union. This program is designed to be a partnership between the conference, the union, and the college to provide a scholarship for all four years of education so that these students have an easy pathway and less debt as they enter the ministry. PUC is grateful for this scholarship, as it has helped tremendously with growing the theology and education departments.
On the Theology side, Wibberding credits PUC with having “a solid foundation of academically profound professors who are deeply committed to God, our Seventh-day Adventist faith, and the students we serve” but also remaining agile through a significant expansion of real-world ministry opportunities and experiences students receive.
“They get at least three years of hands-on ministry experience,” Wibberding said. “That makes our program stand out, and leaders in the field have begun to notice the level of quality leadership PUC graduates provide as a result.”
Notably, Wibberding points to another exciting trend that he believes supports the growth of the Theology department. “As word gets out about PUC’s enthusiastic support of women in ministry, more women are joining our program,” he said. “For the first time this year, half of the students in my Intro to Ministry course are women. This is a beautiful part of PUC’s heritage that we embrace and celebrate.”
Explore the Opportunities
Interested students in either field are highly encouraged to explore PUC as an option for their education.
No matter the department size, Wibberding believes the Theology department is a special place at PUC. “We invest our best in each student, whether there are two or 50,” he said. “But the increase adds a fun energy to the department, and it is promising for a ministry field that needs more pastors and chaplains.”
Buller, who majored in biology when she attended PUC, said she never intended to teach. “But I’ve been teaching for over 50 years, all grade levels, and it’s the wisest choice I ever made,” she said. “PUC helps instill a heart for teaching and paves the way to enter this marvelous profession.”
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