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Pacific Union College Introduces the 2016 Maxwell Scholars
By Larissa Church on May 19, 2016
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PacificUnion College is proud to announce the recipients of the 2016 MaxwellScholarship. Incoming freshmen Taylor Bothwell, LydiaEarles, Christian Im, Cheryl Wang, and Adrienne Weiss were chosen as the 2016 Maxwell Scholars.
Named after the late Dr. Malcolm and EileenMaxwell, the beloved former president and first lady of PUC, the Maxwell Scholars Program is themost prestigious scholarship the college offers. Now in its eighth year, it is awardedto five high school seniors in recognition of their academic achievement, outstanding leadershipexperience, and a commitment to Christian service. Applicantsmust meet certain GPA and test score requirements, and submit an applicationthat includes a resume, essay, and letters of recommendation. This will be the first year the award willcover full tuition for four years, valued at approximately $112,000.
Taylor Bothwell of St. Helena, Calif., hasspent her time at Pacific Union College Preparatory School heavily involved inathletics and student government, in addition to excelling scholastically. Forher junior and senior years, she served as captain of both the varsitybasketball and volleyball teams. Taylor has held various positions within theschool’s Student Association, including yearbook co-editor, executive vicepresident, chair of student senate, and president, as well as representing herfellow students to the PUC Prep Board.She gives back to her community by tutoring peers in math and science,volunteering at her local library, and working as the assistant coach for the Pacific Union CollegeElementary girls’ basketball team. “Taylor has shown amazing commitment toChristian service. Her attitude is one of service and she is consistentlylooking for ways she can better her community,” saysyouth pastor Jennifer Woody.
A senior at Hawaiian Mission Academy, LydiaEarles of Kailua, Hawaii, is a dedicated leader committed to improving thelives of those around her. Principal Roland Graham says, “Lydia has showntremendous resolve to excel and deliver outstanding results. Her character hasbeen a model for other students and she has been a joy to teach.” For the pasttwo years, she has been an active ambassador on the Teen Advisory Council forthe Hawaii Meth Project, which aims to address the drug epidemic in the state.Lydia has also served as religious vice president and the National HonorsSociety president at HMA, as well as media director and captain of both thevarsity basketball and volleyball teams. She is the founding coordinator forDream Catchers, the young women’s ministry group at Kailua Seventh-dayAdventist Church, and has spent time in the Dominican Republic and Panama withMaranatha Volunteers International on several mission trips.
Christian Im is a four-year National HonorsSociety member who has attended academies in Tennessee, Washington, and California.Christian has excelled in athletics, music, and academics at three high schools:The McCallie School, Bellevue Christian School, and PUC Preparatory School. Avalued member of his high school tennis, basketball, and football varsityteams, Christian also earned MVP and Best Defensive Player runner-up at the NBCBasketball Clinic in the summer of 2015. He was selected to the Clinic’sAll-Star team and their international travel team. Brandon Kats, Christian’svarsity basketball coach at Bellevue Christian School, says, “I was veryimpressed with his work ethic and discipline. … He was the ultimate team playerand consistently led with his actions.” Christian is also involved in severalministries, including working with the elderly and homeless, and has lent hismusical talents as a pianist for Cradle Roll Sabbath School and PUC Prep’sadvance choir Volante. He was also a violinist for a production of “Fiddler onthe Roof.” This spring, Christian will graduate from PUC Prep.
Hailing from Redlands, Calif., Cheryl Wang hasmade a lasting impression at Loma Linda Academy, where she is senior class president.She has also served as campus ministries director and the student representative on the school’sWASC Leadership Committee. For all four years in academy, she has been amember of LLA’s advanced choir Pro Musica. Since 2014, Cheryl has been a NationalHonors society member. “Because of her commitment to being a good leader androle model for others, every action she takes and word she speaks representsthe highest of etiquette and Christian values,” says Lynne Hattendorf, guidancecounselor at LLA. Outside of school, Cheryl is actively involved with theMission Road Church of Seventh-day Adventists, where she is a Youth Councilmember and praise band leader.She served as Vacation Bible School director last summer. She has also accumulated an impressive150 volunteer hours with Kaiser Permanente.
A homeschool student from the R.W. School inDavis, Calif., Adrienne Weiss has had an extraordinary high school experience.She has visited such places as Cuba, the Galapagos Islands, Panama, andZimbabwe, to name a few, on mission trips. Adrienne has been involved with the Hanneke & Co. Ballet since2002, performing a variety of roles in productions including “The Nutcracker” and “A Midsummer Night’sDream.” Since 2010, she has been the principal violist for theSacramento Youth Symphony, and servesas mentor within the organization. An accomplished writer, Adrienne hasalso been published many times in“Davis Life Magazine.” She is a youth leader at the CarmichaelSeventh-day Adventist Church, and regularly volunteers as a leader at NorthernCalifornia Conference youth events. “Adrienne seeks to grow and to serve on aconsistent basis, as an individual, in small groups, and in large groupsettings. And she continues to look for additional arenas in which she canfurther develop her talents and service,” says pastor Steve Case.
Eachyear, PUC awards over $40 million in financial aid to approximately 1,600students. Learn more about the college’s scholarship opportunities at puc.edu/scholarships or call the Student Financial Services office at(800) 862-7080.
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