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Celebrating the Pioneer Spirit at PUC Homecoming
By Cambria Wheeler on May 1, 2015
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Pacific Union College’s alumni family numbers over 26,000 people,and each individual makes an important impact in their own community. Eachyear, Honored Alumni awards are given to graduates who demonstrate the best ofthis Pioneer Spirit. Though they finished their college experience in differentgenerations, each Honored Alumnus had something central in common: a passionfor answering God’s call to be a light in the world.
On April 17 to 19, 2015, alumni and friends of Pacific UnionCollege gathered at “Our College on the Mountain” in Angwin, Calif., for aspecial and unique Homecoming Weekend recognizing the trails of service blazedby the many dedicated graduates of Pacific Union College. During a weekend fullof special events, eight individuals were recognized for their exemplaryservice with Honored Alumni and Honored Pioneer awards at a Friday eveningdinner in their honor.
The 2015 Honored Pioneer recipient was Adu Worku, M.A.,M.S.L.S. Worku received the award, which is given to a non-graduate forexceptional service to the college, in recognition of his exceptionaldedication to the power and freedom of education. The director of libraryservices at PUC since 1985, Worku’s path to the Nelson Memorial Library beganin northwest Ethiopia, where his parents taught him an agrarian life. It took afreak accident to break the cycle of illiteracy for Worku. Determined to learn,he completed eighth grade at the age of 22 and high school at the age of 26. Henow holds two master’s degrees from Andrews University and a master of libraryscience from the University of Southern California.
A community leader, talented musician, poet, and author,Worku enriches our appreciation for Christian education like none other. Workuhas also gifted that transformational education to others. The Worku-JenberSchool in his home village in Ethiopia now educates thousands of boys andgirls, providing them access to brighter futures because of this Pioneer’sgenerosity and determination.
In addition to the Honored Pioneer award, PUC recognizedseven alumni for their outstanding accomplishments and service.
The first recipient of this year’s Pioneer Award wasrecognized for authoritative understanding of history’s challenges and intricacies.Stanley Payne, Ph.D., ’55, is a respected historian, prolific author, and theleading scholar on the study of modern Spain and European fascism. Inspired bybeloved Professor of History Walter C. Utt, Ph.D., Payne pursued the life ofthe academic and received his doctorate at Columbia University. He haspublished over 30 books, countless articles, and retired as Professor Emeritusat Wisconsin Madison in 2005.
Jerold Beeve, M.D., ’61, and his wife Dorothy (Dunscombe)Beeve, R.N., ’63 were honored together for generously bringing clear sight tothose in darkness. ““God works miracles,” Jerry Beeve said as he accepted theaward. “He puts the right people in the right places when you need them.” TheBeeves have been the right people for tens of thousands of people living inFiji who were unable to work, care for their families, or receive an educationbecause of problems with their vision. Since 1990, this gifted ophthalmologistand first-class nurse and organizer have touched the lives of the residents ofan island nation they first visited on their 25th weddinganniversary. They’ve performed over 2,000 surgeries, provided 27,000 eye exams,and distributed more than 26,000 pairs of glasses. The Beeves have dedicatedtheir time, resources, and expertise through the Beeve Foundation for World Eyeand Health, an organization they founded in 1990. They’ll next head to Fiji inAugust with a group of equally passionate volunteers they’ve recruited.
Judith (Olson) Aitken, R.N., ’65, is an inspiring exampleof the Gospel in action. The PUC nursing graduate has a heart to help thepeople of Southeast Asia in all walks of life know God and experience His graceand love. She first worked as a nurse on the border of Thailand and Cambodia,and then with an evangelistic and medical organization called Projects Asia. Shelater worked as the refugee coordinator for Adventist Frontier Missions. Judycredits the Lord’s miraculous leadings for beginnings of Adventist SoutheastAsia Projects Ministry (ASAP), which she founded in 1995. Through the Lord'smany blessings, ASAP continues to support the spread of the gospel in Cambodia,Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Myanmar.
Aitken “accepted [the Honored Alumni Award on behalf ofall who have dedicated their lives to honoring God,” as PUC President HeatherJ. Knight, Ph.D., presented her with the Honored Alumna award in recognition ofpassionate ministry to the mind and spirit.
As Norman Low, ’76, and Carolyn (Lai) Low, R.N., ’74,received the Honored Alumni Award, they shared how they were inspired byChrist’s ministry to both the physical and spiritual needs of others, oftenaround food or meals. The Lows follow Christ’s example while caring for othersin their community, Norman as a gynecologist and fertility specialist andCarolyn as a nurse and administrator. While the care they provide as medicalprofessionals changes lives daily, they take their service to others furtherthrough generosity, friendship, and a home cooked meal as the organizers ofHome Lunches, a program of the PUC Church. The Lows open their St. Helena homeat least once a month, welcoming up to 100 PUC students. With taste, culinarytalent, and listening ears, they have fed and supported thousands of college studentswho are far from their own family table.
The final Honored Alumni recipient was James Appel, M.D.,who also spoke later in the evening for Vespers. Appel attended PUC in1994-1995, later graduating from Southern Adventist University and Loma LindaUniversity School of Medicine. Now, he serves the medical needs of peopleliving in remote and dangerous areas of Africa, displaying remarkable courageand compassion as he provides healing to those in desperate need of care.Currently working on new healthcare projects in rural Chad with his family,Appel most recently served a Cooper Adventist Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia inthe midst of the Ebola outbreak, braving exposure to provide healthcare andhope.
A weekend full of more opportunities to recognize the spiritof service and compassion found in the PUC family followed the Honored Alumniand Pioneer dinner. Sabbath morning, David Trim, director of archives,statistics, and research at the General Conference, led a Sabbath Schoolprogram about the origins of Adventism in California, Pacific Union College’shistory, and the first missionaries to Asia. The Sabbath sermon was given byJon Dybdahl, Ph.D., ’65, who was the recipient of the Honored Alumnus award in2005.
A highlight in the afternoon was the groundbreaking of theLibrary Phase II project, a multi-million dollar renovation that will includethe Walter C. Utt Center for Adventist History and Research & Media Center.By the end of 2016, the Center will provide a twenty-first century space forresearch by Adventist scholars and Pacific Union College students. Saturdayevening was also full, with a concert by the Wedgwood Trio and a retirementparty for longtime business professor Lary Taylor among the many other events.
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