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PUC Introduces the 2014 Maxwell Scholars
By Emily Mathe and Cambria Wheeler on July 22, 2014
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Among the incoming freshman coming to Pacific Union Collegein September are five exceptional students who have been chosen as this year’srecipients of the Maxwell Scholarship. Named for PUC’s iconic presidentialcouple, Dr. Malcolm and Eileen Maxwell, this prestigious award is given tostudents who show outstanding academic achievement, exceptional leadershipexperience, and a commitment to Christian service. The Maxwell Scholar Programawards recipients a $15,000 renewable scholarship for all four years theyattend PUC.
Alexander Chang of Grass Valley, Calif., dedicated hishigh school career at Pine Hills Adventist Academy (PHAA) to scholastic,athletic, and extracurricular success. The Grass Valley, Calif., native wasstudent association president his senior year, starting new programs likePHYSICS (Pine Hills Youth Spiritually Invigorating Campus Soldiers) and a Kicks4 Kids shoe drive. During high school this natural leader also won awards inmultiple sports and captained the basketball and flag football teams. Alex hasbeen on six mission trips since 2006, assisting with construction projects,medical and dental services, Vacation Bible School, and Week of Prayerprograms. He also succeeded scholastically as a member of the National and asthe recipient of PHAA’s top academic awards in multiple subjects. Alex islooking forward to starting classes at PUC in September. “I'm really excited tostudy subjects that really interest me, meet new friends, make lifelongmemories, and grow closer to God with my fellow students,” he shares.
Lauren Chang first heard about the Maxwell Scholarship inthe pages of the Recorder, and sincethen hoped to be chosen as for the award.Like her twin brother Alex, Lauren is a model student, true leader, andcompassionate volunteer. She served as social vice president of the Pine HillsAdventist Academy student association during her senior year and president ofher class during junior year. Lauren founded PHAA’s first student newspaper, A Bird’s Eye View. She traveled on six missiontrips, volunteers at the Grass Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church, andactively contributes her time at numerous community organizations. Lauren is asuperstar academic: she was a member of the National Honor Society, receivedPHAA academic awards for multiple subjects, and won the “Take a Challenge”Project Award. Along with her many athletic and extracurricular pursuits,Lauren served as a medical research assistant, and like her brother Alex islisted as an author on papers published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.
Kallie Griffin has already started making the world abetter place. As president of Paradise Adventist Academy’s associated studentbody her senior year, Griffin led programs and events to support “FourPillars”: community, outreach, spirituality, and academic successes. This busyleader had gained experience in various positions each year of high school.Kallie, who hopes to be a physician, accumulated many volunteer hourstravelling on mission trips to Honduras and the Dominican Republic, working asa camp counselor, and contributing to her church’s Vacation Bible School. Godwill no doubt use this top student, and multi-talented instrumentalist andvocalist, and well-rounded athlete as she continues to make a difference!
John Jung, of San Diego, Calif., is a busy man. Inaddition to his exemplary academic achievements, this graduate of Del NorteHigh School has participated in multiple volunteer and mission programs,including trips to Mexico and Korea to provide construction and medical aid andspiritual programs like Vacation Bible School. John also regularly visitednursing homes, health expos, hospitals, and fundraisers to provide voluntaryassistance to those in need. He also pursued leadership opportunities within hischurch. The Maxwell Scholarship is the latest of John’s recognitions, whichinclude awards from the National Honors Society, the California ScholarshipFederation, California State Recognition for community service, and others.
Redlands, Calif., native Dominique Townsend was chosen asa Maxwell Scholar for her dedication to scholastic excellence, spiritualleadership, and community service. At Loma Linda Academy (LLA), Dominiqueco-founded Youth Exceeding Limits, a non-profit organization called that encourageschildren to be engaged with their health, wellness, and education. Shetravelled with Youth Exceeding Limits on a service trip to Haiti that offeredmedical clinics, food delivery, construction assistance, and a Vacation BibleSchool program. Dominique adds smarts to her service; she became a member ofthe National Honor Society in her junior year and was the LLA’s societypresident her senior year. Her interests outside of school include music—shesings and plays piano, violin, and guitar—horseback riding, and soccer.
When she heard she was selected for the award, Dominique,who will pursue a degree in English education, felt it was an answer to prayer.“To me, receiving this scholarship shows that as long as I continue to followGod’s plan for my life, He will keep His promises, and take care of everythingI need,” she says. “This scholarship means that my hard work is appreciated,and though that’s not why I’ve done and will continue to do such work, it isalways nice to be recognized for hard work.”
In addition to the five Maxwell Scholars, fivesemi-finalists are selected. The 2014 semi-finalists are Stefaan Dick of PUCPreparatory School, Mark and Matthew Corbin of Sparkman High School, SabrinaMastiff of Burney Junior Senior High School, and Brianna Richardson ofCentennial High School.
These scholars will join hundreds of freshmen from aroundthe world for orientation at PUC beginning September 17. We invite you to learnmore about scholarshipsat PUC.
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