Comment Policy
Pacific Union College's Comment Policy
Pacific Union College invites users to submit comments about the information we post, as long as they are shared respectfully. The College retains the right to moderate or remove comments for any reason.
Posts and comments by individuals on our pages do not reflect the opinions or policies of the College.
Guidelines for Site Use
Please read the following disclaimer for important information prior to posting to this page.
- Be respectful of the rights and opinions of others. Stay on topic.
- Add value: Be part of the conversation; don't take it over.
- Don't use profanity, pornography, hateful speech, personal attacks, flaming, vulgarity, nudity or abusive language.
- Keep personal information, such as your phone number and address, out of your posts.
- Avoid posting in all capital letters, as that is the electronic equivalent of YELLING.
- All links to other websites found linked from this blog are provided as a service to readers, but such linkage does not constitute endorsement of those sites by PUC, and as such we are not responsible for the content of external websites.
- By submitting content to this page (wall posts, photos, links, etc.), you understand that this information is publicly available; and that PUC may use this information on social media feeds both internally and externally. If you do not wish to have your information published, please do not post on this page.
PUC faculty, staff and students also are reminded that they are subject to Colleges codes, policies and terms that may apply to social media use, including those outlined in the Faculty Handbook, Staff Handbook, and Student Handbook.
PUC reserves the right to edit or delete any comments deemed inappropriate for this site and its readers.
Reporting Violations
Users of this site are subject to the terms of service of the hosts of PUC social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter.
To report violations of Facebook's Code of Conduct on PUC’s Wall, please use the "Report" link associated with the content in violation. Facebook investigates these confidential reports and makes a determination as to whether or not the content should remain.
Pacific Union College content
The office of relations at Pacific Union College operates this page. If you have a concern about content posted by the administrators of Pacific Union College's Facebook page, please e-mail us at or by phone at (707) 965-6303.