Pre-Orientation Information

Welcome to PUC!

Your arrival on campus may still be a few weeks off, but there are several tasks to complete and deadlines to meet during this pre-orientation period before fall classes begin. Don't put these off until later — start your Pioneers experience now!

Register for Orientation

  • New freshman students are automatically registered for Fusion Orientation. We'll see you in September!
  • New transfer students must register for Transfer Student Orientation (optional for new transfer students)

NOTE FOR TRANSFER STUDENTS: Although Fusion Orientation is designed for first-year students, transfer students who are interested in an extended, more immersive orientation to PUC are welcome to register for and attend the Fusion Orientation. Please contact the Office of Student Life at if you would like to discuss which orientation experience might best meet your needs.

Pre-Orientation Checklist

Find out all the things you need to get done before coming to campus.

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Good to Know

Information about PUC email access, mobile phone service on campus, buying textbooks, meal plans, and living on campus.

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Campus Services Resources

Resource list with links to various campus services pages with information.

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