High School Essay Contest

High School Essay Contest

Presented by Pacific Union College

For upcoming dates or more information about this contest email pr@puc.edu.

Emerging Voices of the Pacific Union 2024

Congratulations to our second annual (2024) winners!

  • 1st place: Colin Russ, PUC Preparatory School (12th Grade)
  • 2nd place: Natalie Tio, Pine Hills Adventist Academy (11th Grade)
  • 3rd place: Kara Wibberding, PUC Preparatory School (11th Grade)


  • Charlene Lapuebla, Armona Union Academy (12th Grade)
  • Brooke Fernander, Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy (11th Grade)
  • Brisa Ramos, Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy (10th Grade)
  • Jordyn Butler, Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy (10th Grade)
  • Stacie Dassie, Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy (10th Grade)
  • Emily Escamilla, Pine Hills Adventist Academy (9th Grade)
  • Kenneth Mamon, Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy (9th Grade)

Thank You!

We thank all who entered our second annual Emerging Voices of the Pacific Union Essay Contest and their teachers. We hope to hear from you all next year!


Pacific Union College English Department


The contest is open to students currently in grades 9 through 12 (as of March 2024) attending a Seventh-day Adventist academy or junior academy in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada or Utah.

Essay Contest