Information Technology

Colleague: Useful Information

Understanding Abbreviations

ALU – Alumni/Development
APP – Applicant
ARP – Accounts Receivable Person
COR – Corporations/Foundations
EMP – Employees
FAC – Faculty
FIN – Financial Aid
HRP – Human Resources/Personnel

INS – Institutions
JOB – Job Applicants
MAI – Mailing
PER – Person
STA – Staff
STU – Students
VEN – Accounts Payable Vendors

Understanding Abbreviations


  1. Duplicate ID numbers are usually discovered by users searching the name database.
  2. NEVER use a "Hospitality Card" ID for anything other than that one function only.
  3. Refer to the posted list to interpret the "files used" and, therefore, the concerned offices.
  4. In determining which ID to retain as the "preferred" one, give preference to:
    • The lowest number
    • Any employment-related number
    • The number with the most "files used"
  5. Not everyone has permission to make changes. Don't be afraid to ask for help. When in doubt, don't.

Resolution procedure:
** On all deletions, be sure to use the key combination of SHIFT-DELETE. Do NOT use spaces.

  1. Use the code "NO" in the Prefix field.
  2. Enter the last name in capital letters and preceded by "=*", e.g. your actual keystrokes would be =*LASTNAME where LASTNAME is the person's name. This results in the last name being fully capitalized, not just the initial capitalization which is the standard.
  3. Delete the Social Security Number.
  4. Delete all Address fields and enter "USE ID # nnnnnnn" in the first Address field where "nnnnnnn" stands for the seven digit ID which we have selected to remain active.
  5. Delete City, State and Zip fields.
  6. Contact other departments concerned to inform them of your actions.
  7. If the "duplicate ID" was used in ARP, you MUST contact the person in the Records who updates student records. The PGS.ID field on page 2 and possibly the AR.NAME information on page 3 must be changed to reflect your work.

Commonly Used Keyboard Shortcuts

FunctionShortcut Key
Move to the next fieldTab or F6
Move to the previous fieldShift+Tab
Move forward one rowDown Arrow
Move back one rowUp Arrow
Move forward one screenPage Up
Move backward one screenPage Down
Move to the beginning of the current fieldHome
Move to the end of the current fieldEnd
Move to the first row of a windowCtrl+Home
Move to the last row of a windowCtrl+End
Field insertCtrl+I | Insert | F3
Field deleteCtrl+D | Alt+F, F | Alt+E, D | F4
Open the File menuAlt+F
CancelAlt+F, C | Shift+F8
Save (Update)Alt+F, S | F10
Close (Finish)Alt+F, L | F9
DetailAlt+F, D | F2
Direct AccessAlt+F, A | F8
Record DeleteAlt+F, R | Shift+F10
ExitAlt+F, X | Shift+F9
Open the Edit menuAlt+E
Open the Apps menuAlt+A
Open the Help menuAlt+H
Field HelpAlt+H, F | F1
Process HelpAlt+H, P | Shift+F1
Keyboard Shortcut HelpAlt+H, U | Shift+F2
Pull down the Favorites menuAlt+V
Pull down the Options menuAlt+O
Pull down the Help menuAlt+H | F1

Shortcut KeyFunction
F1Field Help
Shift+F1Process Help
Shift+F2Keyboard Shortcut Help
F3Insert Field
F4Delete Field
F8Direct Access
F9Close (Finish)
F10Save (Update)
Shift+F10Delete Record

Query Naming Conventions

Naming Convention Saved Paragraphs and Queries

To keep things orderly, any query or saved paragraph that is saved on the server should follow this naming convention.


'X' prefixes all queries that you wish to save permanently
DD = Department Code. See table below
NNN = Your initials including that of your middle name.
All should be in CAPS (capital letters)


Department Codes - the DD part

  • AC - Records
  • AM - Admissions/Recruiting
  • AX - Admissions/Trigger CC
  • AP - Accounts Payable
  • AR - Accounts Receivable
  • CC - Communications Management
  • CR - Cash Receipts
  • CU - Curriculum Management
  • DL - Obsolete CM Codes
  • ER - Employee & Labor Relation
  • FA - Financial Aid
  • FI - Faculty Information
  • FX - Fixed Assets
  • GL - General Ledger
  • HS - Health Services
  • IT - Information Technologies
  • IA - International Advisement
  • LC - Loans/Collections
  • MC - Misc. Charges
  • PE - Personnel
  • PR - Payroll
  • PS - Campus Security
  • PU - Purchasing
  • RG - Registrar
  • SH - Student Affairs/Housing
  • SI - Shared Items
  • SS - Student Services
  • TE - TEST
  • 98 - 1098T Process

If you don't know which department you are in, please ask your manager.

* Data from ConventionsV0-2.doc