Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

DEI Council

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council functions as a campus educational and support resource that:

  • Supports the College’s commitment to being a learning institution which – guided by research and assessment data – embraces, celebrates, and thrives on diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.
  • Seeks relevant, collaborative strategies to create a community of belonging where the voices and experiences of all PUC members and stakeholder groups (including but not limited to, race/ethnicity, gender identity, LGBTQIA+ community, individuals with varied abilities, first-generation college students, and historically marginalized individuals, etc.) are included.
  • Creates and assesses an ongoing strategic plan of innovative action that shapes campus culture, driven by four dimensions:
    • Access and Success: the inclusion and success of diverse populations with a focus on social justice and education to position diversity as an educational resource for students, staff, faculty, board of trustees, and community stakeholders.
    • Campus Climate and Intergroup Relations: the campus environment for diverse groups; attending to individuals’ multiple identities; the complexity of identities within groups; and the interaction between groups.
    • Education and Scholarship:  the role of the curriculum, teaching and learning strategies; recruitment of diverse faculty, staff, and students; and faculty and staff development efforts in the education of students to participate in a global community.
    • Institutional Viability and Vitality:  the overall success of the institution’s efforts to fully integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion into its systems and culture.

I am committed to DEI because...


Ralph Trecartin


I am committed to DEI because I want people to feel they belong, that they are accepted, and loved as God’s children.


Michelle Kendrick

Disabilities Coordinator

At Pacific Union College I commit to continue individual collaboration with students from historically underrepresented backgrounds to create and improve access and student success. I have served as an advocate for first -generation students with professors and with institutional service departments. I currently represent students with disabilities to improve student access. As a member of several institutional committees created to further the goals of diversity, inclusion, and equity, I learn about and promote these goals to my peers. I am committed to diversity in teaching, research, and service, and will actively seek opportunities in research, the classroom, and across campus to enhance opportunity and diversity.


Freddy Whiteside

Director of Student Financial Services

I am committed to DEI because I want to be one of the bricks that build a diverse community of inclusion at PUC. Our faculty, staff and students deserve better.


Tuwan Ussery

Associate Professor of Social Work & Chief Diversity Officer

I am committed to DEI because John 17 speaks to the dream that Jesus had for his followers, that Jesus wants us all to be one humanity, one people, one body of believers, just as he, himself, and the Spirit are one. As people of the good book and followers of Christ, it is my belief and desire to continue to work towards that dream of oneness that Dr. King talked about: the beloved community. The same dream that PUC wants to implement for a community of belonging. Because this is the agenda for God’s people on earth, I am dedicated, committed, and willing to do my part to work with individuals and departments on this campus to ensure that dream is realized on this campus. I am looking forward to partnering with everyone here in order to facilitate this beautiful dream of having a community of belonging.


Sylvia Gregorutti

Professor of Modern Languages

I am committed to DEI because my personal mission as the child of immigrants is to be a bridge-builder. I love seeing PUC students experience our world’s diverse cultural and linguistic beauty both at PUC and especially at sister campuses abroad. I encourage my students to build bridges -- and to break stereotypes when needed.


Milbert Mariano

Dean of the School of Arts, Humanities, and Professional Studies

I am committed to DEI because I believe that every student and employee should feel welcome at PUC no matter who they are or where they come from. As a diverse Christian institution, we should model how Christ treated everyone, including those who were marginalized by society.

Ex-Officio Members

  • Ralph Trecartin, President
  • Milbert Mariano, Dean of the School of Arts, Humanities, & Professions
  • Michelle Kendrick, Disabilities Coordinator
  • Tuwan Ussery, Assistant Professor of Social Work and DEIO

Campus Body Representatives

  • Lindsay Hayasaka, VP for Academic Administration
  • Sylvia Rasi Gregorutti, Professor of Modern Languages
  • Marie Pak, Professor of Chemistry
  • Freddy Whiteside, Director of Student Financial Services