If you’re struggling with something or have questions about anything throughout the transfer process, we have dedicated staff members ready to help you as you move from another college to PUC. They’re available to help answer your questions or provide you with additional information—you just need to ask!
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Fast Facts

We’re glad you’re interested in transferring to Pacific Union College!
PUC is a vibrant and Christ-centered community where you will discover and prepare for your calling. No matter your interests, there is assuredly a place for you on our beautiful campus. We accept transfer students at any point in their program, so don’t worry about completing a certain number of credits before transferring. We would be thrilled to have you join our Pioneer family.
Transfer FAQs
Here are several frequently asked questions students have when transferring to PUC. Don't hesitate to reach out to the Admissions office if you have additional questions!
What documents do I need to submit for my application to be complete?
- Send in official copies of all your transcripts, including official high school transcripts (confirming graduation). Send to: Admissions, One Angwin Avenue, Angwin, CA 94508
- Send PUC your ACT or SAT scores if you have not successfully taken College Algebra or English 101. PUC's school codes are: 0362 (ACT) and 4600 (SAT).
Does PUC accept Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or College Level Examination Program (CLEP) credit?
PUC accepts up to 45 quarter credits for standardized tests such as CLEP, DANTES, AP, and International Baccalaureate. The full list of accepted tests (including minimum pass scores and PUC course equivalencies is available at puc.edu/records.
How do I get an evaluation of my transcripts?
Once you’ve been accepted, PUC will complete a degree evaluation of your transcripts, which you will need before you register for classes. For an evaluation to be completed, you will need to submit the following:
All official transcripts from every institution you have attended, including high school
How do I register for classes?
For your first quarter at PUC, you will work with the transfer counselor in the Admissions office to register for classes. Refer to your degree evaluation to determine what classes you need to register for.
How do I find an academic advisor?
You will be assigned an academic advisor in the program you’re studying. This professor knows the ins and outs of your major and works with you to foster academic, spiritual, and personal growth. Your advisor will need to approve your class schedule each quarter, making sure you stay on track to complete your degree!
Does PUC participate in the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) pathway?
PUC participates in the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) pathway and offers a variety of degree options for students graduating with an Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) or an Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T) from a California community college.
PUC guarantees admission to any student who has obtained an ADT in an accepted program and who meets PUC’s admissions requirements. Each qualified student will be admitted with junior-level standing and will be given a minimum of 90 quarter units of transfer credit. Official community college transcripts with the posted ADT degree must be submitted to PUC for processing.
For more information on our ADT pathway, visit puc.edu/adt.What housing is available for transfer students?
Students 22 years and under will be given a room in one of PUC’s six residence halls. Students who are over the age of 23 may fill out the appropriate forms and request permission to live off campus. PUC also offers housing designed especially with the needs of married students and single parents in mind. Assignments are made on a first-come, first-served basis. To add your name to the waiting list, submit the Housing Request Form at puc.edu/reserve.
What childcare is available in the area?
Located in Angwin, Discoveryland Children’s Center is part of PUC and offers a discounted rate for students.
Discoveryland serves not only as a child care and development center, but also as a lab school for PUC, where early childhood education majors can get hands-on experience working with children and a variety of learning methods. This means that children at Discoveryland are exposed to a broad and well-rounded range of care and instruction.
What times during the year does PUC accept transfer students?
PUC is on the quarter system. We accept transfer students at any point in their program, so don’t worry about completing a certain number of credits before transferring.
Fast Facts