STEM scholars

Fall 2024 STEM scholars

Psychology Pre-Vespers Meeting: A Memorable Kickoff

Our school year kicked off with an incredible pre-vespers–a warm and engaging event that brought together students, faculty, and staff. The energy was infectious, with amazing attendance exceeded our expectations. It was a pleasure meeting many bright, curious minds eager to learn. The evening consisted of a short message followed by a delicious meal. The night was full of laughter, fun stories, and a strengthening of the bonds within the School of Sciences.

STEM Scholar Activities 

This quarter, our STEM Scholar program has had several fun activities. 

  • Dinner at Gott’s Roadside in St. Helena: Students and faculty met for a delicious meal and icebreaker activities at Gott’s Roadside in St. Helena
  • Azteca Lunch in the Cafeteria: Several of our STEM teachers and STEM scholars met for a tasty Azteca Market lunch in the cafeteria. This meeting provided a face-to-face opportunity for faculty and students to catch up with each other during the busy term.
  • Dead week Dinner at Faculty House: To end the quarter, we met at my house, sharing an intimate evening relaxing by the fire and having a tasty home-cooked meal. Several dedicated faculty members and STEM Scholars discussed their overall experience during the fall quarter and upcoming goals after Winter Break.

Christian Von Pohle

Assistant Professor of Psychology