Nursing & Emergency Management

Program Outcomes

California EMS Authority

Pass rates for the National Registry of EMT exam

CA Board of Registered Nursing

Pass rates for the NCLEX-RN licensure exam

Program Completion Rates

Definition**: The number of students who complete the program in no more than 150% of the stated program length beginning with enrollment in the first nursing course.

BSN Nursing

Calendar Year of Graduation   Calendar Year of Admission   Number of Students Admitted  Number of Students    
Number of Students Completing  % Students Completing 
(5 quarters) 
% students complete within (8 quarters) 
2023-2024 Spring 2023 
Winter 2023 
Fall 2022 

In progress 
In progress 
2022-2023 Spring 2022 
Winter 2022 
Fall 2021 


2021-2022 Spring 2021  
Winter 2021 
Fall 2020   



2020-2021  Spring 2020 
Winter 2020 
Fall 2019 


ASN On-time Completion

On-time Completion Angwin Napa
2017-2018 78% 87%
2018-2019 82% 89%
2019-2020 78% 94.7%
2020-2021 % 83%
2021-2022 90% 88%
2022-2023 89% 100%
Attrition Angwin Napa
2017-2018 15% 8.7%
2018-2019 4% n/a
2019-2020 0% 5.3%
2020-2021 15% 5.9%
2021-2022 10% 12%
2022-2023 11% 0%


NCLEX 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
Qtr 3 100% 92.31% 97.62% 95% 87.5% 80.95%
Qtr 4 0% 75% 83.33% 100% 90.48% %
Qtr 1 95% 100% 100% 78.95% 94.87% 81.25%
Qrt 2 90.91% 100% 96% 70.83% 75% 100%
BRN Reported 95% 95.18% 96.63% 84.88% 90.22% 82.46%
Nat's Av 87% 90.3% 83% 81.8% 82.46%  

End of Program Student Learning Outcomes

Table 4.3 – Integration of EPSLOs, CSLOs, Instructional Methods, Learning Activities, Technology Resources, and Evaluation Methods

EPSLO #1: Provide holistic, safe, quality, compassionate, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care to diverse patients, populations, and communities, across the lifespan in a variety of healthcare settings 

Course SLO 

Instructional Method 

Learning Activity 

Technology Resources 

Evaluation Method 

NURS 460: Develop a comprehensive and effective teaching plan  

Assigned textbook readings, videos  

Students develop and implement teaching plan in steps throughout quarter for field experience:  

  • Audience 
  • Determinants of Learning 
  • Behavioral Objectives 
  • Content 
  • Teaching Methods 
  • Evaluation Methods 
  • Summary 

YouTube videos, Teams meeting  

Graded via rubric. Final plan submitted at the end of course with summary. Log of hours and activities included.  

EPSLO #2 Engage in clinical judgement to make nursing decisions for the patient, population and community of care. 

Course SLO 

Instructional Method 

Learning Activity 

Technology Resources 

Evaluation Method 

NURS 460: Incorporate an understanding of learning theories and characteristics of learners. 

Assigned textbook readings, videos  

Write a behavioral model Research Report. Students select a single research study that applies a behavioral model studied in class and is relevant to a Leading Health Indicator from HP 2030.  

Library and database search  

Graded via rubric.  

NURS 432/433: Create a Community Assessment (Windshield Survey) using knowledge learned in NURS 431  

Virtual experience windshield survey,  

Windshield survey real-world experience, textbook, written instructions.  

Windshield Survey- is an assessment technique where students can observe conditions that may affect the health and wellness of the community. The student will analyze their findings prioritize and plan evidence-based interventions appropriate to implement in the specific community.  

Internet research, camera, library and database searches, Local government webpages  

Graded via rubric  

EPSLO #3 Analyze quality improvement processes and outcome measures to improve patient care outcomes by applying evidence to clinical practice 

Course SLO 

Instructional Method 

Learning Activity 

Technology Resources 

Evaluation Method 

NURS 485 Search for and use current findings in research to update or develop a clinical nursing policy/procedure or protocol. 

Required supplemental & textbook reading, Templates, interactive modules  

Research Utilization project. Students work in groups of 3-4 to update a policy, protocol, or procedure that is informed by current research. They then present the updated policy with a recorded poster presentation.  

Canvas, PowerPoint, internet  

Graded per rubric, log of hours and activities, peer evaluations  

EPSLO #4 Facilitate teamwork and collaboration using leadership and management principles to guide the healthcare delivery system. 

Course SLO 

Instructional Method 

Learning Activity 

Technology Resources 

Evaluation Method 

NURS 560 Working together as a team the students will analyze a problem in their workplace that they would like to change. Then they will analyze quality improvement processes and outcome measures to improve patient care outcomes by applying evidence to clinical practice. 

Required supplemental & textbook reading, interactive modules 

The Capstone Project (which consists of a QSEN Introduction Paper, Presentation, Poster) is designed to provide students with an academic experience that synthesizes general education coursework and the nursing major. Guidelines for the Capstone Project is to describe a nursing care problem encountered in your clinical experience related to one of the Institute of Medicine (IOM)/ Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies.  

Canvas, PowerPoint, internet  

Graded per rubric, log of hours and activities, peer evaluations  

EPSLO #5 Employ information management systems and patient care technology to communicate, gather evidence, mitigate errors, and support clinical judgment. 

Course SLO 

Instructional Method 

Learning Activity 

Technology Resources 

Evaluation Method 

NURS 510 Analyze current and emerging technologies to optimize safety, cost effectiveness and health outcomes.  

Course readings and modules 

Students create a Voiceover PowerPoint in pairs that addresses current and emerging technologies and how they are or will impact health outcomes 

Canvas, PPT, online  

Fall 2023: 21/21 students completed assignment with an average grade of 87%  

Fall 2024: 28/28 students completed assignments with an average grade of 90% 


NURS 432 Apply knowledge learned in NURS 431 within the community through mentorship and practicum hours in the community setting.  


Verbal instruction and demonstration on use of community/mission based EHR  


Students use EHR to gather patient data, communicate, and store patient information for patients in a community clinic in Fiji.  

EHR, iPad,  

Observation by clinical instructor, feedback from providers.  

EPSLO #6 Exemplify Christian values, leadership, legal, and ethical principles to guide professional practice as a Registered Nurse. 

Course SLO 

Instructional Method 

Learning Activity 

Technology Resources 

Evaluation Method 

NURS 419 Understand the ethical, legal, and professional considerations of whistle-blowing in nursing practice. 



Assigned textbook reading, PowerPoint chapter overviews 

Whistle-Blowing in Nursing Reflection Response discussion board.  

Questions include: 

  1. What does blowing the whistle mean?  
  2. List three examples of whistle-blowing.  
  3. What should nurses do before blowing the whistle?  
  4. Is there danger involved in whistle-blowing?  
  5. How can you apply what you learned about whistle-blowing to your nursing practice? 

Internet, Canvas, PowerPoint 

Graded per rubric, peer evaluations  

NURS 419 Promote a zero-tolerance attitude for all forms of violence in the nursing workplace, including horizontal violence and the 'eating our young' phenomenon 

Assigned supplemental & textbook readings, videos, PowerPoint chapter overviews 

Complete Promoting Civility & Healthy Work Environments in Nursing Case Study  

Questions include: 

  1. Research has shown that nurses have experienced a higher rate of inappropriate behavior in the workplace than other workers. Describe 6 types of violent incivilities and 6 types of nonviolent incivilities that nurses are likely to experience in the workplace. 
  2. The nurse educator understands that certain workplace issues lack of resources and increased 
    workloads have the potential to contribute to an unhealthy work environment. Incivility and bullying in the workplace have been associated with stress and mental health concerns of nurses. Discuss at least four effects these unacceptable behaviors have on nurses. 
  3. The nurse educator outlines behaviors that nurses can use to protect themselves from 
    violence and incivility on the job, particularly in settings other than a hospital (such as home care, rural & remote nursing, etc). List least four of these self-protective behaviors? 

Internet, Canvas, PowerPoint 

Graded via rubric  

NURS 420 Examine the ethical/moral dilemmas underlying controversial healthcare issues recognizing possibility for conflict and moral distress and identifying means to incorporate resilience strategies for self-care.   

Assigned articles, readings & videos  

Complete a “Self-Care” Individualized Plan reflecting on current compassion, personal, or professional fatigue.   

Using the Moral Distress Tool and Reference Guide, Self-Care Wheel, and Self-Care Resilience Checklist, develop a personalized plan that includes current self-care needs, including realistic ways in making self-care a part of your daily routine.   

Internet, Canvas 

Self-assessed with professor review 

NURS 490 Recognize the value of service learning  

Reading, supplemental materials, & videos 

In NURS 490, students complete an assignment discussing their ideas for completing these hours.  


Graded via rubric  

NURS 491 Reflect upon the value of learning through service to others  

Reading, supplemental materials, & videos 

In NURS 491, students write a reflection of what they have accomplished, the value of service learning, and what they have learned. They also submit the log of hours.  


Graded via rubric