Term | Status | Dept | Course | Description | Dates | Days | Times | Loc | Type | Cap | Enrol | Wait | Credit | Faculty | GE Cat | Full Description |
25/SU | Open | NU | NURS-534-WEB | ADV CNCPTS PHYSLGY & PTHPHYSL | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | ONL | 30 | 0 | | 4.0 | Kimberly Dunker | | This course is designed to present an orientation;to disease as disordered physiology. The course;focus is on pathological conditions encountered in;clinical practice across the life span of;patients. Emphasis is placed on regulatory and;compensatory mechanisms as they relate to commonly;occurring diseases. The influence of;environmental and genetic factors on the;development of disease will be examined. Qualifies;for IP grading. |
25/SU | Open | BU | ACCT-505-WEB | FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | ONL | 30 | 0 | | 5.0 | Michael Perryman | | An introduction to financial accounting. Emphasis;is on uses of information contained in financial;statements. Students are also introduced to the;principles of managerial accounting. Required for;students who do not meet the basic accounting;background requirement (one year of undergraduate;accounting coursework or validated equivalent work;experience approved by the dean or accounting;professor). |
25/SU | Open | BU | FNCE-505-WEB | PRINCIPLES OF FINANCE | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | ONL | 30 | 0 | | 4.5 | Michael Perryman | | A study of the fundamental principles of financial;organization. Emphasis is on instruments of;finance; policies of capitalization; problems;pertaining to working capital; and corporate;expansion and reorganization. Required for;students who have not taken finance coursework at;the undergraduate level. |
25/SU | Open | NU | FDNT-235-01 | NUTRITION | 06/16/25-07/04/25 | MTWTHF | 09:00AM-12:00PM | ON LINE | LEC | 30 | 0 | | 3.0 | Wayne Borin | VI.A | Principles of nutrition; emphasizing nutritional;requirements; dietary sources of nutrients;;nutrient utilization; effects of nutrition on;energy intake and weight control; fitness; disease;prevention; and life cycle. |
25/SU | Open | BI | BIOL-227-01 | NATURAL HIST OF CALIF | 06/16/25-07/11/25 | MüTüWüTHüF | 09:00AM-12:00PM | ALB IONý | LEC;ONL | 15 | 0 | | 3.0 | Floyd Hayes | V.B | Plants and animals of California as they relate;to;its diverse topography and geography. ;;This course is not applicable to a major or minor;in the Biology Department. |
25/SU | Open | BI | BIOL-227L-01 | NATURAL HIST OF CA LAB | 06/16/25-07/11/25 | MTWTHF | 09:00AM-12:00PM | ALB ION | LAB;LE/LA | 15 | 0 | | 1.0 | Floyd Hayes | V.B | Laboratory activities regarding plants and;animals of California as they relate to its;diverse topography and geography. ;;This course is not applicable to a major or minor;in the Biology Department. |
25/SU | Open | EN | ENGL-301-02 | Themes in Lit: Nature Writing | 06/16/25-07/11/25 | ARR | ARR | ALB ION | LEC | 15 | 0 | | 4.0 | Catherine Tetz | IV.A | Thematically organized works generally recognized;as distinguished explorations and expressions of;significant issues. Literature is selected from;several genres; countries and time periods.;Readings; lectures; discussions; reports and;papers. Repeatable for credit under different;subtitles. Current subtitles include:;Class and Gender;Global Perspectives;Literature and the Arts;Literature and the Environment;Salvation Stories;Travel Narratives;Ventures in Science;Enrollment limited to juniors and seniors.;;This course is not applicable to a major or minor;in the English Department. |
25/SU | Open | NU | NURS-125L-AH1 | CLINICAL LAB | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | LAB | 36 | 22 | | 0.0 | | | |
25/SU | Open | TH | RELH-296-01 | Directed GS:Women in AdventHI | 06/16/25-07/04/25 | ARR | ARR | ALB ION | LEC | 30 | 0 | | 3.0 | James Wibberding | | |
25/SU | Open | NU | NURS-390-WEB | PATHOPHYSIOLOGY | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | LEC | 30 | 0 | | 4.0 | Tamara Tirado | | Expands on concepts learned in the biophysical and;psychosocial sciences and focuses on concepts;related to the individual that are prevalent in;the major conditions identified by the CDC and IOM;as leading causes of morbidity and mortality;(comfort; infection; homeostasis; metabolism;;oxygenation; perfusion; immunity; inflammation;;sensory/neuro). Concepts related to the;profession (caring interventions; evidence based;practice) are emphasized in relation to the;nurses' role in helping individuals move toward;optimum health. Students achieve student learning;outcomes by integrating new and prior knowledge in;the classroom setting.;;Four theory units (40 clock hours). ; |
25/SU | Open | AD | AVIA-276-01 | INSTRUMENT RATING I | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | FLTC ARR | FLT | 20 | 0 | | 5.0 | M Chaffee/N Tasker | | Flight; simulator and ground training from;beginning to the completion of Phase III.;Instrument scan; partial panel; unusual attitude;recovery; GPS; VOR; and NDB navigation. |
25/SU | Open | AD | AVIA-278-01 | INSTRUMENT RATING III | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | FLTC ARR | FLT | 20 | 0 | | 5.0 | M Chaffee/N Tasker | | Flight; simulator and ground training from the;beginning of Phase 6 to the completion of the;final Stage IV check. the FAA knowledge test is;also passed. The pilot is now eligible for the;final FAA Practical Test. |
25/SU | Open | AD | AVIA-378-01 | COMMERCIAL PILOT III | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | FLTC ARR | FLT | 6 | 0 | | 8.0 | M Chaffee/N Tasker | | Flight and ground training for Phases 6 to 8;including the completion of the final Stage III;check in Phase 8. The FAA knowledge test is also;passed. The pilot is now eligible for the final;FAA Practical test. |
25/SU | Open | AD | AVIA-472-01 | INSTRUM INSTR GRND & FLT TRAI | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | FLTC ARR | FLT | 6 | 0 | | 7.0 | Nathan Tasker | | Flight and Ground training; lesson planning and;simulator instruction proficiency for the;Instrument Flight Instructor initial or additional;rating practical test. Prerequisites: AVIA 378.;Prerequisites or Corequisites: AVIA 278; 470 |
25/SU | Open | AD | AVIA-476-01 | ADD-ON CLASS RATING | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | FLTC ARR | FLT | 4 | 0 | | 4.0 | S Staff/N Tasker | | Flight and ground training for the addition of;category or class rating to an existing pilot;certificate. Prerequisite: AVIA 178 or AVIA 378. |
25/SU | Open | AD | AVIA-478-01 | ADD-ON CFI RATING | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | FLTC ARR | FLT | 6 | 0 | | 4.0 | S Staff/N Tasker | | Flight and ground training for the addition of;category or class rating to an existing flight;instructor certificate. Prerequisite: AVIA 468 or;AVIA 472. |
25/SU | Open | VA | ARTD-494-01 | INTERNSHIP | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | INT | 10 | 0 | | 1.0-3.0 | Brian Kyle | | An individualized contract agreement involving;selected students; faculty; and employers to;provide practical experience in graphic design in;a professional setting. Approval of the;department chair required in advance. Thirty clock;hours of experience required for each hour of;credit. Repeatable for credit. |
25/SU | Open | VA | ARTF-494-01 | INTERNSHIP | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | INT | 10 | 0 | | 1.0-3.0 | Brian Kyle | | An individualized contract agreement involving;selected students; faculty; and employers to;provide practical experience in fine art in a;professional setting. Approval of the department;chair required in advance. Thirty clock hours of;experience required for each hour of credit.;Repeatable for credit. |
25/SU | Open | VA | ARTP-494-01 | INTERNSHIP | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | INT | 10 | 0 | | 1.0-3.0 | Rajeev Sigamoney | | An individualized contract agreement involving;selected students; faculty; and employers to;provide practical experience in photography in a;professional setting. Approval of the department;chair required in advance. Thirty clock hours of;experience required for each hour of credit.;Repeatable for credit. |
25/SU | Open | AD | AVIA-176-01 | PRIV FLIGHT TRAINING | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | FLTC ARR | FLT | 20 | 0 | | 2.0 | Staff Staff | | Flight and ground training from beginning to the;successful completion of Phase 4; including the;pre-solo knowledge exam. |
25/SU | Open | AD | AVIA-177-01 | INTERM PRIV FLT TRAIN | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | FLTC ARR | FLT | 20 | 0 | | 2.0 | Staff Staff | | Flight and ground training from the beginning of;Phase 5 to the successful completion of the Stage;II check. Includes first solo flight and;cross-country written exam. |
25/SU | Open | AD | AVIA-178-01 | ADV PRIV FLT TRAIN | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | FLTC ARR | FLT | 20 | 0 | | 2.0 | Staff Staff | | Flight and ground training from first solo;cross-country and ends with the successful;completion of the final course Stage III check.;The FAA knowledge test is also passed. The pilot;is now eligible for the final FAA Practical Test. |
25/SU | Open | CWL | COMM-494-01 | COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | INT | 5 | 0 | | 3.0 | Tara Hargrove | | Supervised work experience in a;communication-related environment. Skills in the;practice of communication are used. Enrollment;limited to department majors. Advance approval of;the department required. May not be taken before;the end of the sophomore year. |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-332-WEB | TEACHING W/ TECHNOLOGY | 07/14/25-07/31/25 | MTWTH | 12:00PM-03:00PM | ON LINE | ONL | 20 | 1 | | 3.0 | Jennifer Penaflorida | | Excellent teaching has as much to do with;empowering students to learn as it does with;knowing how to teach. This course explores the;ranges of educational technology and methods for;improving student understanding through its use;with all learners. Applies to area A of the;Practical and Applied Arts general education;requirement. |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-333-WEB | EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY | 06/16/25-07/11/25 | W | ARR | ON LINE | ONL | 24 | 2 | | 4.0 | Jean Buller | | Exploration of how children and adolescents learn;and think in the classroom. Examines how;characteristics such as intelligence; personality;;cognitive and moral development; and diversity;impact student learning. Includes the study of;learning theories; motivation; cooperative;learning; assessment; and managing a classroom. |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-368-WEB | TEACHING K-12 BIBLE | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | LEC | 24 | 0 | | 2.0 | J Buller/S Staff | | Teaching objectives; materials; and strategies in;Biblical education. Emphasizes the spiritual;development of K-12 students and provides methods;of teaching whereby Bible curriculum can be;harmonized with that development. Explores and;analyzes the Seventh-day Adventist Bible;curriculum. Required for SDA elementary;endorsement. Required for SDA secondary;endorsement only if a Bible endorsement is;desired. |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-420-WB1 | Wkshp: Science of Reading-Phon | 06/30/25-07/03/25 | ARR | 09:00AM-11:00AM | ON LINE | WKSHP | 150 | 0 | | 2.0 | Jean Buller | | Hands-on practical summer workshops for teachers;seeking certification renewal credit. Offered;under different subtitles on a rotating basis.;Past subtitles include the following:;Cooperative Learning;Kindergarten Workshop;Pathways Reading;Making & Using Portfolios;Reading & Writing Workshop;Robotics in the Classroom;Repeatable for credit under different subtitles. |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-425-WEB | SDA SEC CURRIC METHODS | 07/21/25-08/31/25 | MTWTH | 12:00PM-03:00PM | ON LINE | ONL | 15 | 0 | | 2.0 | Jennifer Penaflorida | | Meets the SDA Basic Secondary certification;requirement for secondary curriculum methods. Open;to practicing teachers holding a Conditional;certificate; not open to students in the campus;credential program. |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-431-WEB | KINDERGARTEN CURR | 07/14/25-07/17/25 | MTWTH | 09:00AM-03:00PM | ON LINE | ONL | 20 | 0 | | 2.0 | J Furness/J Buller | | Meets the SDA special endorsement for Kindergarten;teachers. The NAD curriculum framework forms the;basis of course content. Practical applications;for Kindergarten classrooms are emphasized. Open;to practicing teachers and students in the campus;credential program. |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-515-WEB | ED ASSESSMENT & EVAL | 07/07/25-07/18/25 | MTWTH | 09:00AM-11:00AM | ON LINE | ONL | 15 | 1 | | 3.0 | Jean Buller | | |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-516-WEB | AMERICAN CURRICULUM | 06/30/25-07/18/25 | MTWTH | 10:00AM-01:00PM | ON LINE | ONL | 15 | 0 | | 3.0 | Jennifer Penaflorida | | |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-517-WEB | CURRENT ISSUES/EDUCATN | 06/16/25-07/11/25 | MTWTH | ARR | ON LINE | LEC | 15 | 0 | | 3.0 | Jean Buller | | |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-525-WEB | TCHG CHLD/RDNG DIFFIC | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | MTWTH | ARR | ON LINE | ONL | 15 | 0 | | 3.0 | J Buller/S Staff | | |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-525L-WEB | FIELD EXPERIENCE | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | ONL | 15 | 0 | | 1.0 | J Buller/S Staff | | |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-530-WEB | BRAIN RSRCH & LEARNING | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | ONL | 15 | 0 | | 3.0 | J Buller/S Staff | | |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-550-WEB | ADV STUDY/EXCEP CHLD | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | ONL | 24 | 0 | | 3.0 | Lori Aguilera | | |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-560-WEB | SMALL SCHOOLS ADMIN | 06/23/25-06/26/25 | MTWTH | ARR | ON LINE | ONL | 20 | 0 | | 1.0-2.0 | J Buller/S Staff | | |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-596-WEB | METHODS IN RESEARCH | 06/30/25-07/03/25 | MTWTH | 12:00PM-03:00PM | ON LINE | LEC | 15 | 0 | | 2.0 | Jean Buller | | |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-597-WEB | ACTION RESEARCH PROJ | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | PROJ | 15 | 0 | | 1.0-5.0 | Jean Buller | | |
25/SU | Open | EN | ENGL-101-01 | COLLEGE ENGLISH I | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | MTWTH | 10:00AM-12:10PM | ON LINE | LEC | 24 | 0 | | 4.0 | Linda Gill | I.A | First in a two-course sequence that immerses;students in academic writing; reading; and;thinking practices. Through extensive;inquiry-based writing; students engage in;building the reflective awareness needed for;success in a wide range of academic experiences. ;Students write consistently; are introduced to;academic writing conventions; engage with;challenging readings; and begin putting others';ideas in conversation with their own.;;This course is not applicable to a major or minor;in the English Department. |
25/SU | Open | EN | ENGL-102-01 | COLLEGE ENGLISH II | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | MTWTH | 01:00PM-03:10PM | ON LINE | LEC | 24 | 0 | | 4.0 | Linda Gill | I.A | Second in a two-course sequence that immerses;students in academic writing; reading; and;thinking practices. Through extensive;inquiry-based writing; students engage in;building the reflective awareness needed for;success in a wide range of academic experiences. ;Focuses on academic inquiry; how writers form;their own research questions; and how academic;writers;enter and respond to an ongoing written;conversation;through sustained research. Students will come to;understand the methods of academic inquiry;resulting in analytical and research-based;writing.;;This course is not applicable to a major or minor;in the English Department. |
25/SU | Open | EN | ENGL-301-01 | THEMES IN LITERATURE | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | MTWTH | 01:00PM-03:10PM | ON LINE | LEC | 30 | 4 | | 4.0 | Linda Gill | IV.A | Thematically organized works generally recognized;as distinguished explorations and expressions of;significant issues. Literature is selected from;several genres; countries and time periods.;Readings; lectures; discussions; reports and;papers. Repeatable for credit under different;subtitles. Current subtitles include:;Class and Gender;Global Perspectives;Literature and the Arts;Literature and the Environment;Salvation Stories;Travel Narratives;Ventures in Science;Enrollment limited to juniors and seniors.;;This course is not applicable to a major or minor;in the English Department. |
25/SU | Open | HI | HIST-101-WEB | HIST OF WORLD CIV I | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | LEC | 20 | 0 | | 4.0 | Laura Wibberding | III.A | Major characteristics and developments in world;civilizations based on primary and secondary;texts. Also integral: discussion of history's;place in the liberal arts and of the problems of;the historical method. |
25/SU | Open | HI | HIST-360-WEB | ADVENTIST HERITAGE | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | LEC | 10 | 1 | | 3.0 | Laura Wibberding | | An interdisciplinary exploration of theological;and historical issues important to an;understanding of the Advent Movement and the;ministry of Ellen G. White. Meets the requirement;in Prophetic Guidance and Denominational History;for SDA teaching credentials. |
25/SU | Open | CWL | JOUR-494-01 | JOURNALISM INTERNSHIP | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | INT | 5 | 0 | | 3.0 | Tara Hargrove | | Supervised opportunity for the student to accrue;direct experience in a professional journalistic;setting as approved by the department. Enrollment;restricted to department majors. |
25/SU | Open | NU | NURS-420-WEB | NRS Social Issues | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | ONL | 35 | 5 | | 4.0 | Debra Wallace | | Exploration of current nursing issues that involve;individual concepts (e.g.; culture and diversity;;family). Special emphasis on developing a better;understanding of the sociocultural issues;affecting the health of individuals; families; and;communities; and the role of the nurse in;facilitating wellness and supporting autonomy;within various health care settings. Students;achieve student learning outcomes by integrating;knowledge; skills; and attitudes in real and/or;virtual classroom settings.;;Four theory units (40 clock hours).;;Enrollment limited to students in the BSN program.; |
25/SU | Open | NU | NURS-485-WEB | INTRO TO RESEARCH | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | LEC | 40 | 6 | | 4.0 | Tamara Tirado | | Introduces the concepts and process of research;and its implications for health professions.;Reinforces and applies the professional concept;of evidence based practice. Emphasis on becoming;a consumer of research by developing basic skills;for interpreting and using research to inform;practice. Students achieve student learning;outcomes by integrating knowledge; skills; and;attitudes in the classroom setting.;;Four theory units (40 clock hours).;;Enrollment limited to students in the BSN program. |
25/SU | Open | NU | NURS-490-WEB | BSN CAPSTONE I | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | LEC | 30 | 0 | | 1.0 | Laurie Parson | | Ephasizes reflection; integration; and synthesis;from other BSN courses. Primarily a self-directed;course. Allows the student to demonstrate mastery;of program objectives and serves as an assessment;of student learning. To be taken during the first;quarter of enrollment in the BSN program. Students;who take longer than six quarters (or two years);to complete the BSN are required to repeat this;course partway through the program. Repeatable to;a maximum of 1 credit. |
25/SU | Open | NU | NURS-491-WEB | BSN CAPSTONE II | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | LEC | 45 | 2 | | 1.0 | Laurie Parson | | Ephasizes reflection; integration; and synthesis;from other BSN courses. Primarily a self-directed;course. Allows the student to demonstrate mastery;of program objectives and serves as an assessment;of student learning. To be taken during the final;quarter of enrollment in the BSN program. |
25/SU | Open | CWL | PREL-494-01 | MKTG COMM INTERNSHIP | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | INT | 5 | 0 | | 3.0 | Tara Hargrove | | Supervised experience in marketing communication.;Under the direction of a marketing communication;professional; the student accrues direct;experience in a professional marketing;communication setting as approved by the;department. Enrollment restricted to;department majors. |
25/SU | Open | TH | RELH-314-WEB | WORLD RELIGIONS HLTHCR PROF | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | LEC | 25 | 3 | | 3.0 | Laura Wibberding | II.E | An introduction to great traditions of world;religions and to concepts for the study and;comparison of these traditions for healthcare;professionals. Emphasis on non-Judeo-Christian;traditions. Includes an examination of these;religions in relation to Christianity. |
25/SU | Open | TH | RELH-360-WEB | ADVENTIST HERITAGE | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | LEC | 25 | 1 | | 4.0 | Laura Wibberding | II.C | An interdisciplinary exploration of theological;and historical issues important to an;understanding of the Advent Movement and the;ministry of Ellen G. White. Meets the requirement;in Prophetic Guidance and Denominational History;for SDA teaching credentials. |
25/SU | Open | TH | RELT-220-01 | SDA BELIEFS | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | LEC | 25 | 1 | | 3.0 | Young-Chun Kim | II.C | Introduction to the distinctive beliefs of the;Seventh-day Adventist faith; including the Bible's;teachings on the seventh-day Sabbath; second;coming of Jesus; Great Controversy theme; holism;;sanctuary and forgiveness; church identity;;lifestyle; and last day events. |
25/SU | Open | ND | SPAN-211#-01 | INTERMEDIATE SPANISH | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | LEC | 10 | 0 | | 3.0 | | PSEUD | |
25/SU | Open | ND | SPAN-212#-01 | INTERMEDIATE SPANISH | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | LEC | 10 | 0 | | 3.0 | | PSEUD | |
25/SU | Open | ND | SPAN-213#-01 | INTERMEDIATE SPANISH | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | LEC | 10 | 0 | | 3.0 | | PSEUD | |
25/SU | Open | NU | NURS-255-AH1 | PEDIATRIC NURSING | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | LEC | 20 | 0 | | 5.0 | Hannah Saravanakumar | | Reinforces and applies concepts previously learned;to the pediatric setting and introduces students;to individual concepts (development; child health;and wellness; family) and professional concepts;unique to the setting of pediatric nursing.;Students achieve student learning outcomes by;integrating knowledge; skills; and attitudes in;classroom; laboratory; and clinical settings.;;Three theory units (30 clock hours) and two;clinical units (60 clock hours). |
25/SU | Open | NU | NURS-495-01 | INDEPENDENT STUDY | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | IS | 1 | 0 | | 1.0-3.0 | Sandra Ringer | | |
25/SU | Clsd | AD | AVIA-100-PQ | FUNDAMENTALS OF AVIATION | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | LEC | 0 | 0 | | 1.0 | Timothy Robertson | | A week-long program intensive with course work;;projects; and focused academic study in Aviation;for college early students. Admission to;PacificQuest summer program. Repeatable for;Credit. Graded S/U |
25/SU | Clsd | BI | SCIE-100-PQ | STEM I | 06/29/25-07/04/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | LEC | 0 | 0 | | 1.0 | Timothy Robertson | | A week-long program intensive with course work;;projects; and focused academic study in STEM;subjects for college early students (grades 6-8).;Admission to PacificQuest summer program.;Repeatable for Credit. Graded S/U |
25/SU | Clsd | BI | SCIE-101-PQ | STEM II | 07/06/25-07/11/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | LEC | 0 | 0 | | 1.0 | Timothy Robertson | | A week-long program intensive with course work;;projects; and focused academic study in STEM;subjects for college early students (grades 9-11).;Admission to PacificQuest summer program.;Repeatable for Credit Graded S/U |
25/SU | Open | NU | NURS-390-AH1 | PATHOPHYSIOLOGY | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ON LINE | ONL | 30 | 22 | | 4.0 | T Tirado/H Linzau | | Expands on concepts learned in the biophysical and;psychosocial sciences and focuses on concepts;related to the individual that are prevalent in;the major conditions identified by the CDC and IOM;as leading causes of morbidity and mortality;(comfort; infection; homeostasis; metabolism;;oxygenation; perfusion; immunity; inflammation;;sensory/neuro). Concepts related to the;profession (caring interventions; evidence based;practice) are emphasized in relation to the;nurses' role in helping individuals move toward;optimum health. Students achieve student learning;outcomes by integrating new and prior knowledge in;the classroom setting.;;Four theory units (40 clock hours). ; |
25/SU | Open | NU | NURS-125-AH1 | NURSING III | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | LEC | 36 | 22 | | 6.0 | | | Reinforces and expands on concepts previously;learned and introduces students to concepts;related to the individual (oxygenation; cellular;regulation I; perfusion I). Students achieve;student learning outcomes by integrating;knowledge; skills; and attitudes in classroom;;laboratory; and clinical settings.;;Three theory units (30 clock hours) and three;clinical units (90 clock hours). |
25/SU | Open | VA | FILM-494-01 | INTERNSHIP | 06/16/25-08/15/25 | ARR | ARR | ARR ARR | INT | 5 | 1 | | 1.0-3.0 | Brian Kyle | | An individualized contract agreement involving;selected students; faculty; and employers to;provide practical experience in film and tv in a;professional setting. Thirty clock hours of;experience required for each hour of credit.;Repeatable for credit. |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-336-WEB | MULTICULTURAL CLASSRM | 06/23/25-07/03/25 | MTWTH | 10:00AM-01:00PM | ON LINE | LEC | 24 | 0 | | 3.0 | Nicole Nunes-Smith | | Preparation of candidates for the wide diversity;of students they will encounter in the classroom.;Includes an emphasis on developing methods for;involving the family in the educational process.;Addresses the legal basis for desegregation and;multiculturalism in American Education. Emphasizes;the knowledge and skills needed to help students;be better informed and proactive in a;multicultural society. |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-447-WEB | REAL SCIENCE/REAL LRNG | 06/23/25-06/26/25 | MTWTH | 10:00AM-12:00PM | ON LINE | LEC | 24 | 1 | | 2.0 | Jean Buller | | Meets the SDA Basic Elementary certification;requirement for methods in science & health. Open;to practicing teachers holding a Conditional;certificate; not open to students in the campus;credential program. |
25/SU | Open | ED | EDUC-420-WB2 | Wkshp: Ai Seminar | 07/28/25-07/31/25 | MTWTH | 12:00PM-03:00PM | ON LINE | WKSHP | 20 | 0 | | 2.0 | Jennifer Penaflorida | | Hands-on practical summer workshops for teachers;seeking certification renewal credit. Offered;under different subtitles on a rotating basis.;Past subtitles include the following:;Cooperative Learning;Kindergarten Workshop;Pathways Reading;Making & Using Portfolios;Reading & Writing Workshop;Robotics in the Classroom;Repeatable for credit under different subtitles. |
25/SU | Open | ED | ECED-220-WEB | ECE CURRICULUM | 07/14/25-07/17/25 | MTWTH | ARR | ON LINE | LEC | 20 | 0 | | 3.0 | Julie Yamada | | A theoretical and experiential investigation of;curriculum in the preschool environment. Emphasis;on continuity of learning experiences for children;and the use of materials for instructional;purposes. |