Academic Administration

Academic Off-Campus Activities

As stated in the Faculty Handbook, academic off-campus activities (field trips) are to be included in course syllabi and request forms for such activities are to be submitted during the first two weeks of each quarter to the office of the Academic Dean. If later in the quarter it is determined that an unanticipated field trip would be valuable for students, the teacher must submit a request form at least one week in advance of the excursion, explaining why this field trip is particularly worthwhile at this time. Required field trips should not be scheduled during the last two weeks of the quarter, nor during Community.

Faculty should always bear in mind the unintended consequences of taking students away from campus, primarily the potential time lost in other classes. The purpose, frequency, timing, and duration of field trips should always include a careful weighing of potential conflicts. At the same time, the College recognizes the educational value associated with "real world" learning experiences and encourages all faculty to reasonably accommodate the occasional disruptions caused by field trips.

Please note that a different form is used for club or student group activities, entitled College-Sponsored Student Activity Request Form. Please contact Student & Spiritual Life with any questions.

Driver clearance and clearance for personal vehicles is required for all college-sponsored trips when transportation is organized by the faculty sponsor. There are five pieces of information needed for driver and vehicle clearance.

These items are kept on file for two calendar years for faculty, one calendar year for students, or until they expire—whichever comes first. For example, if the above items are submitted on January 1, they are kept until January 1 of the following year. If an item expires during that year, the item must be submitted again once it is renewed.

Reservations for college-owned vehicles are made through Schooldude Trip Direct, an online program administered by Facilities Management.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
E.g., ENGL 101: College English
Please include full names and ID numbers
Please check one to finish this sentence: This trip is... * Remember, required academic off-campus activities should not be scheduled during the last two weeks of the quarter, nor during Colloquy.
Departure Information *
Return Information *
Please check the statement that best describes the activity *
Department Authorizations *
If students are simply told to provide their own transportation (i.e., students are told where the event is taking place and that they are responsible for their own transportation), you do not need to provide information in this section. But, if you are arranging transportation, please list the driver(s) in the text box below. If you are not arranging transportation, please type "N/A."