A Degree from PUC is a Valuable Investment in Your Future.
When you look at the costs for college, it’s important to keep in mind that 100 percent of PUC students receive one or more forms of financial aid.
Our team of financial aid counselors are here to help you and your family throughout your educational journey to help make PUC possible.
Maxwell Scholarship (Full tuition)
Through the Maxwell Scholars Program, PUC proudly recognizes incoming freshmen who exhibit high standards of academic excellence and a mission and service focus. The select few students awarded this scholarship will receive up to four years of full tuition paid by PUC:
- Yearly: $36,150
- 4-Year Total: $144,600
The base qualifications for students to receive the Maxwell Scholarship include:
An unweighted GPA of at least 3.9
The Scholarship Committee will review all submitted applications and notify the selected recipients.
Maxwell Scholars must:
- Be an incoming freshman entering PUC during Fall 2025
- Not combine the Maxwell Scholarship with any other PUC scholarships, awards, or discounts
- Renew for three years with a 3.5 GPA, with a potential 4th year under qualifying conditions
- Live in the residence halls
Merit Scholarships
These scholarships are based on unweighted cumulative GPA and test scores. Scholarships are automatically awarded to students who meet the necessary criteria when the completed admissions application is reviewed. Awards are renewed for three years for students meeting the GPA requirements. (Under qualifying conditions, a 4th year may be approved.)
President’s (Renewable with a 3.0 GPA)
3.75-4.0 GPA or 29+ ACT / 1350+ SAT
$15,000 / 4-Year Total: $60,000
Dean’s (Renewable with a 3.0 GPA)
3.5-3.74 GPA or 26+ ACT / 1200+ SAT
$13,000 / 4-Year Total: $52,000
Trustee’s (Renewable with a 3.0 GPA)
3.25-3.49 GPA
$11,000 / 4-Year Total: $44,000
Founder’s (Renewable with a 2.8 GPA)
2.8-3.24 GPA
$9,000 / 4-Year Total: $36,000
Pioneer Promise Scholarship (Full tuition)
We are committed to ensuring that all students are able to receive a high-quality Christian education. The Pioneer Promise is a full-tuition scholarship available for four years to all students of excellent character, strong academic achievement, and high financial need.
To qualify for this scholarship, students must accept eligible student Stafford loans. While utilizing a parent loan or parent loan denial for tuition is not mandatory, students can use such loans for campus student housing costs if necessary.
The scholarship covers tuition and the general fee and is available to on-campus freshman and transfer students.
Eligible students must meet the following criteria:
- Live in campus student housing.
- Qualify as a Pell Grant recipient.
- Belong to a family with a Student Aid Index of $0 (formerly EFC).
- Accept all applicable federal and state grants, scholarships, and any offered federal Stafford loan.
- Be enrolled as a full-time student.
- Maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
PUC Science and Math Enhancement Scholarship ($1,000)
This scholarship is open to any high school student who completes biology and Algebra II and at least two of the following courses from the following options: chemistry, physics, pre-calculus, or calculus.
PUC STEM Scholarship ($5,000)
The School of Sciences is looking for students aspiring to pursue a STEM major and want a distinctive college experience. Scholarship recipients receive a (renewable) $5000 award. Furthermore, each scholar becomes part of a unique learning community, participating in activities that enhance academic success and career preparation, including:
- Academic and career mentorship
- STEM and career workshops
- Social events and outings for scholars and mentors
- Research and/or internship opportunities
Scholarship criteria:
- A new student (freshman or transfer) in fall 2024
- Maintains a 3.0 GPA or higher
- A declared major in the School of Sciences: Biochemistry, Biology, Biomathematics, Chemistry, Data Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Psychology, or Social Work
Growing Young Leaders Scholarship ($20,000)
The Pacific Union and local conferences want to prepare students for ministry as pastors and educators in the Seventh-day Adventist system. This scholarship-to-employment program will help reduce the cost of education and provide a pathway to employment with mentorship, training, and job placement opportunities within the Pacific Union Conference.
Candidates are determined by the local conference, and the final selection is made at the Pacific Union.
Prospective candidates must fulfill the following requirements:
- Be baptized as a member of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
- Complete and submit an application form with necessary attachments.
- Obtain a recommendation from the local conference.
- Provide evidence of full-time enrollment at a Seventh-day Adventist institution of higher education.
- Declare an intended major leading to a career as a pastor or teacher.
- Commit to employment within the Pacific Union Conference for a period of at least 3-5 years following graduation.
$2,000 Scholarship for Incoming SDA Freshmen Undergraduates at Pacific Union College or La Sierra University
A Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) education is incredibly valuable, and the Pacific Union Conference wants this scholarship to be an encouragement for students to attend one of our colleges.
Scholarship Details
- A freshman would be a first-time, entering undergraduate student who has never attended any institution of higher education. A freshman may also be a student enrolled in the fall term who attended a postsecondary institution for the first time in the prior summer, and a student who entered with advanced standing (college credit earned while in high school).
- This is a one-time, nonrenewable, scholarship given to qualified candidates that meet the scholarship requirements, not based on need.
- Transfer students (classified by PUC or LSU as freshman level) who have never attended either PUC or LSU may be eligible for a prorated amount of $1,200 (winter) or $600 (spring), depending on the date of transfer.
- The scholarship will be paid directly to the institution (PUC or LSU) with instructions to credit the student’s account by the end of the term in which the scholarship was approved.
- This scholarship is independent of any other institutional scholarships, awards, assistance, or discounts. It is not limited or reduced by other academic awards, merit-based awards, or internal or external scholarships.
Campus Impact Scholarship ($1,000)
Offered to students actively participating in PUC orchestra, wind ensemble, Vox Pro Musica, Octet, CONNECT, or campus praise team. Renewed based upon satisfying requirements. (Limit one award per student.)
Visual Arts Scholarship ($4,000)
Available to incoming first-year and transfer students who demonstrate exceptional talent in the area of visual arts. Applicants must submit five links to their work for consideration. Four scholarships are available, and the award is renewable for up to four years for a total of $16,000. Applications need to be submitted by May 31st. Questions:
Musical Excellence Scholarship ($5,000)
Available to incoming first-year and transfer students. Must be enrolled in two qualifying ensembles and commit to membership in every quarter that student is in residency. Must qualify as first chair and/or section leader level. Solo video recording and reference contact information required for submission. Four scholarships are available, and the award is renewable for up to four years for a total of $20,000. Applications need to be submitted by Friday, February 14. Questions:
Out-of-State Scholarship ($1,500-$4,000)
To reward students who choose to adventure outside of their home state, PUC presents the Out-of-State Scholarship. A student whose residential address is outside of California will receive an automatic award of $1,500. Requirements and qualifications:
- Have residency in a state outside of California
- For students who meet the qualifications for a Cal Grant and would receive one if they were a state resident, up to $4,000 may be awarded
Certain qualifications and restrictions may apply; contact the Student Financial Services office for more information. (800) 862-7080. Award is given freshman year only.
Mostert Leadership Scholarship ($2,000)
Recognizes incoming freshmen for selected leadership roles held during their junior and/or senior years. Limited to two awards of this type per student and up to $2,000. Award is given freshman year only.
Legacy Scholarships ($1,500)
Recognizes families who have made a PUC collegiate experience part of their family tradition. Available to students with a parent or legal guardian who attended PUC for a minimum of two years or graduated from the college. Renewed for three years. (Under qualifying conditions, a 4th year may be approved.)
Live Local, Learn Local Scholarship ($1,500)
Available to students who graduate from a Napa, Sonoma, or Lake county high school or reside within Napa, Sonoma, or Lake counties. Certain qualifications and restrictions may apply; contact the Student Financial Services office for more information.
Pioneers Athletics Scholarships (varies)
Athletic merit aid is available to selected students participating in PUC’s varsity sports. Visit to learn how to apply; contact respective coach for details.
International SDA Student 50% Discount
International students who meet the list of requirements and qualifications can receive 50% of tuition covered as a scholarship and can be renewed for four years.
National Merit, National Achievement & National Hispanic Recognition Awards
Given to academically talented, incoming freshmen who are designated as National Merit, National Achievement, or National Hispanic awardees. Scholars must be recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation or the College Board and declare PUC as their first-choice college by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation deadline. Awards apply to tuition only and are renewable with a 3.5 GPA.
Recipients are required to live in the residence halls.
Seventh-day Adventist Church Scholarships
PUC offers the following opportunities as a commitment to supporting a new generation of leaders for the Adventist church.
PUC/NAD 100 Percent Free Tuition Partnership
PUC offers 100 percent free tuition for students with a parent serving the SDA church through denominational employment. Students must have at least one parent who receives NAD educational assistance (per NAD Working Policy, Y 24 05) at 70 percent of PUC’s tuition cost to be eligible. Participation in this plan may result in ineligibility for other PUC financial aid as well as state and federal grants. Student must reside in the residence hall to be eligible.
Summer Ministries Leadership Match
PUC matches 100 percent of certified earnings that are applied to tuition by students who work at a SDA youth camp or in a youth ministry program in the summer prior to Fall quarter enrollment, up to $5,000.
Summer Literature Evangelism Match
PUC matches 100 percent of certified earnings that are applied to tuition by students who work as SDA literature evangelists in the summer prior to Fall quarter enrollment, up to $5,000.
Student Missions/Task Force Scholarships
These awards are available to qualified students who attend PUC the year following their service and are based on length of service.
Pacific Union Conference Education Endowment and Minority Scholarships
These awards are available through local SDA churches and conferences. Contact your pastor or local conference Office of Education for an application.
PUC Grants
FAFSA application required
Awarded to students who have institutional need-based financial aid eligibility as calculated by PUC’s Student Financial Services office. Funds limited and distributed on first come basis. Eligibility can change from year to year.
Advanced Payment Discount
A 4 percent discount is available to students who pay the year’s balance in advance at Fall quarter registration (discount is pro-rated over three terms of the regular school year).
Family Discount
An immediate family with two dependent students attending PUC at the same time will receive a tuition-only discount of $325 per student, per quarter; with three or more students, the discount is $375 per student, per quarter.
Transfer Scholarships
Transfer students are eligible for merit awards based on unweighted cumulative college GPA from all previous institutions attended. Awards are renewable for three years for transfer students who maintain full-time status and the required cumulative GPA at each scholarship level. (Under certain circumstances, a 4th year may be approved.)
President's Transfer
(Renewable with a 3.0 GPA)
3.75-4.0 GPA
Dean’s Transfer
(Renewable with a 3.0 GPA)
3.40-3.74 GPA
Trustee’s Transfer
(Renewable with a 3.0 GPA)
3.10-3.39 GPA
Founder’s Transfer
(Renewable with a 2.7 GPA)
2.70-3.09 GPA
Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Scholarship ($1,500)
In recognition of community college students who wish to earn a baccalaureate degree from a four-year institution, PUC is proud to offer the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Scholarship. It is awarded to transfer students who are graduating from a California community college with an Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) or an Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T). Requirements:
- Obtain an ADT in an accepted program (see list)
- Meet PUC’s admissions requirements
- Submit official transcripts with the posted ADT degree from a California community college
Outside Scholarships
Information about applying to college, types of financial aid, and FAFSA tips.
Big Future by The CollegeBoard
The College Board is the organization behind the SAT and AP exams. This website lists more than 2,200 scholarship opportunities.
California Student Aid Commission
More than just the home of Cal Grant, the CSAC's website is a helpful place to find additional information about financial aid.
This collaboration between state, community, and independent California colleges and the California Department of education offers information for both students and parents as well as a large alphabetical scholarship list that's easily searchable.
If your family chooses to borrow money to invest in your education, this helpful resource allows you to find, compare, and apply for private loans.
For over 15 years, Fastweb has been one of the premiere scholarship search sites. It lists over 1.5 million scholarships worth over $3.4 billion.
Federal Student Aid
From the U.S. Department of Education, this website provides a plethora of general information about paying for college, including how to submit your FAFSA.
Gates Millennium Scholars Program
Sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the GMSP annually awards scholarships to 1,000 minority students.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
The HSF is the largest provider of financial aid for Latino students in the U.S. and awards over 4,000 scholarships annually.
Offers over 1 million scholarships.
This website lists over 3.2 million scholarships and also allows you to create a profile to be personally matched to scholarships you may be eligible for.
Scholarship Search by Sallie Mae
Search for over 5 million college scholarships worth over $24 billion. You can even set up alerts to notify you when new scholarship opportunities are available. is a search engine listing over 3 million local, state, and national college scholarships and grants worth over $19 billion.
This website lists over 3.6 million scholarships worth over $14 million.
United Negro College Fund
The UNCF annually awards over 10,000 scholarships worth over $100 million.
Talk with the office of student financial services for more ideas of where else you can look for scholarships and additional aid. Don't hesitate to call (707) 965-7200 or email with any questions you may have.
Additional Resources
Understand your options and responsibilities for taking out a private loan and compare lenders to help you determine which private student loan best meets your needs.
GI Bill Education Benefits
Learn more about the educational benefits offered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Roybal-Allard Scholarship List
U.S. Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard maintains an extensive list of scholarships, internships, fellowships, and scholarship websites to help students and families pay for college.